Sunday, September 27, 2009


Yesterday we went to Toowoomba, north from Brisbane.Every year they celebrate spring coming with Flower Festival.
One of the events was Orchid show. Describing what we saw there is pointless.
It's better to show some pictures. Aren't they just gorgeus? (Flowers, not pictures) :)

Wczoraj pojechalismy na polnoc od nas, do Toowoomba. Co roku swietuja tam nadejscie wiosny urzadzajac szereg imprez. Nazywa sie to "Festiwal Kwiatow".
Jeden z pokazow to byl pokaz orchidei. Narobilam mnostwo zdjec. No nie piekne kwiaty?

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Dust storm and other things..

Well, yesterday was fun. Not as much as Sydney, but still, we had interesting day. Winds blew whole bunch of dust from the center of the continent. Sydney was in red, eerie glow, we only got kinda yellowish color, and little visibility.
That was our first dust storm, so I took couple pictures.

When I went to lunch, I found out that even lizards were hiding from gusty winds and dust in the air.

And today I started to clean...Red dust everywhere!
Mielismy wczoraj interesujacy dzien. Przezylismy nasza pierwsza burze piaskowa, lub pylowa (jak kto woli). Wiatry byly silne, i przywialy z glebi kontynentu, gdzie jest w wiekszosci pustynnie, duzo pylu. Sydney mialo pobudke w czerwonej poswiacie. Do nas doszlo oslabione, bo tylko zoltawe ograniczenie widocznosci.
Ale bylo nieprzyjemnie, i nawet jaszczurki chowaly sie przed porywami wiatru i pylem..

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


I wanted to make bracelet with flowers for quite a while. I was just looking for nice pattern. Finally found something that I could work with beadtool program, changed it, and got to work. Finished it today and here it is...

Chcialam zrobic taka branzoletke z kwiatami od jakiegos czasu. Szukalam tylko wzoru.
W koncu znalazlam w ramie od lustra, skopjowalam, przetworzylam na wzor specjalnym programem, zmienilam, i zaczela sie praca. Dzisiaj skonczylam. Oto jak branzoleta wyszla...

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Last Beadwork had great projects in it. I really liked (amongst others) Royal Chains Lariat by Kelly Wiese. I immidiately started it and yesterday finished it.
Here it is.

Our little plant inside is blooming. Too bad that flowers don't last long...

Wednesday, September 09, 2009


I finally went back to mosaicing. Took me two years. I had to rebuild my stash of glass, and get new tools. Long time ago, back in Alaska I did couple pots, and I was making full size wishing well that Scott build for me. But had to leave it all behind, when we were making inter-continental move and what we shipped here, mattered. So, almost done wishing well went to friend of mine that did glass work. I hope she will finish it and I'll get to see the end result.
This time Scott doesn't have tool and garage to build me another wishing well, so I'm mosaicing around pot. It's time consuming process to mosaic. For me it's like giant puzzle, putting little pieces of glass to make it fit and look good..
But just like beading, it's addictive. I can spent hours working on it, until my hands and back remind me that it's time to take a break.
First side done, started second..couple more months, and I should be done...:)

No i wrocilam do mozajkowania. Zeszlo mi dwa lata, ktore tak prawde mowiac zlecialy bardzo szybko. Musialam nazbierac szkla, skompletowac narzedzia od nowa. Wszystko co mialam na Alasce,niestety musialam zostawic, albo rozdac, jak sie przeprowadzalismy tutaj. Niestety, szklo i narzedzia nie byly na liscie rzeczy niezbednych do przeslania. Tak ze moje pierwsze donice u-mozajkowane, i wielka, zbudowana przez Scott'a studnia, zostaly oddane w "dobre rece". Moja kolezanka ktora robila witraze w szkle, obiecala wykonczyc studnie. Prawie wszystko juz bylo zrobione, tylko jedna strona miala nie wykonczone tlo...Dwa lata pracy..
No ale... Tym razem mozajkuje wokol donicy, bo w razie jakbysmy wracali na Alaske, to bede mogla wziasc. Skonczylam juz jedna strone, zaczelam druga. Jeszcze kilka tygodni bez pracy, i moze skoncze. Ale wciaz jeszcze musze znalezc cement..

Tuesday, September 08, 2009


Mimo iz bawilam sie doskonale robiac "ringlets" (czy moze mi ktos powiedziec jak to bedzie przetlumaczone na polski??? Bardzo prosze. A moze by tak urzadzic jakis konkurs na najlepsze polskie tlumaczenie? Najzabawniejsze, najtrafniejsze. Prosze o opinie!)No ale wracam do koralikowania.
Skonczylam "ringlets", potem zrobilam sznurek z korali, by to nanizac i nosic.
Wynik koncowy ponizej.

As much as I enjoyed making ringlets, I had to stop making them finally.
I made nine, then I've decided to make a rope to put them on.
Here is the end result..

Monday, September 07, 2009

Funny little test..

..flowery, of course..:)

I am a

What Flower
Are You?

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Cruise with Cynthia!

O.k. it's official, we are signed up to go on the cruise with Cynthia Rutledge.
My hubby called me today and told me that he did something bad... He signed us up for the cruise. I am very happy, but I prefer not to check our bank accounts..:)
Cynthia told us about cruise last time we met, when she was teaching in Australia.
Cruise is organized by Creative Castle, and it's called " Roman Empires". Leaves from Italy, goes to whole bunch of wonderful places in Greece, Turkey, Sicily and don't remember where else.
I just can't wait. Meanwhile, I better take care of my hands, since major beading events ahead of me!

Marcia's influence..

I got few days ago book "Beaded Opulence" from Marcia DeCostar. Wonderful book (thank you Marcia!). My favorite stitch is peyote, but I like RAW too, so I studied all the projects. I have whole bunch of the brass rings that I got long time ago, and never had a good idea what to do with them. Finally, decided to use them. And been having whole bunch of fun making them into Ringlets! No idea, what next, probably make some kind of rope and string them on, but so far I'm just having fun making them. I took pictures of what I've done so far, but there is no way, I'm going to stop soon!
And, it's wonderful way to use leftovers of beads!

Dostalam kilka dni temu, zamowiona od Marcii DeCostar ksiazke- "Beaded Opulence".
Jako ze lubie "right angle weave" (czyli jak to, scieg pod katem prostym????) wiec z przyjemnoscia przyjrzalam sie projektom i wzielam sie za jeden z nich. Wiec od kilku dni zuzywam reszti koralikow co mi sie ostaly z roznych projektow i ozdabiam mosiezne kolka, co to mialam od wielu lat, ale nigdy nie wiedzialam co wlasciwie z nich zrobic..
Jak sie w koncu nasyce, zmecze i narobie tych "ringlets" to pewno zrobie jakis sznur z korali i nawleke.
Ale tymczasem, doskonale sie bawie....